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Why bother with an Initial Consultation?

The Initial Consultation is the first important step when seeing a professional

An experienced clinical hypnotherapist will welcome the opportunity of meeting you to discuss the changes you want to make in your life.  

Perhaps you want to get rid of an unwanted feeling, memory, habit, or behaviour. Maybe,
you want to build your confidence, pass exams, achieve goals, or simply to live
a happier life.

There are almost limitless ways that hypnotherapy can help, including pain relief and
even finding lost items.

It is important that the hypnotherapist knows what YOU want, and they will be
pleased to refer you on if they lack experience in a particular area.

That first meeting helps you judge if you are speaking with the best hypnotherapist
and whether to expect a positive outcome.

What happens at a Free Initial Consultation?

  • We will start by discussing the changes that YOU wish to make.
  • We explain how clinical hypnotherapy can help you to achieve those changes.
  • You will learn what to expect during a hypnotic session and how rapid, long-lasting and positive changes will happen in your life.
  • Your personalised therapy plan will help you to get rid of the unwanted feelings, unwanted memories, unwanted behaviours that you have had and replace them with positive outcomes.
  • Naturally, all your questions will be answered.

The good news is that after the Free Initial Consultation you will have all the information that you need to assess if hypnotherapy is for you.

Free Initial Consultations can be “In person” or “via ZOOM”.

The Next Step

To find out how Hypnotherapy can help with a specific fear or phobia apply for a Free Initial Consultation.

By email:

  • Click on the button below.
  • Fill in a very short form, which asks for your name, phone number, email address and any comments or questions that you would like to ask.
  • Ken will get back to you within 24 hours.

By Phone: 

Phone Ken on +34 655 675 065

By WhatsApp:

Send a WhatsApp Message to +34 655 675 065

Ken will respond within 24 hours.